Spring can be such a magical time; the rains wash all the snow away, and through the mud we start to see flowers blooming and grass that was once dull and brown -- turning that beautiful shade of green again. But all of the colorful magic that Mother Nature brings sometimes comes with a price: allergies.
Pollen, mold, dust and mites can cause environmental allergies in your pets just like they can in us. Signs of seasonal allergies can be itchy skin, sneezing, coughing, runny nose and/or eyes, ear infections, hives or red skin that looks irritated.

Always consult your vet before trying medication, but there are over the counter antihistamines for people that are also acceptable for use in your pets. They are good for preventative care, so you would want to use them before the allergies set in. Again - discuss with your veterinarian for the medication that's right for your pet!
You can also use other natural remedies to aid such as oatmeal baths, homeopathic flea/tick sprays (Vet's Best is an excellent all-natural brand), wiping their feet off when they come in from outdoors to remove allergens, and adding local honey to their food.
You certainly don't want to deprive your furry friend from the things they enjoy, so it's important to help them feel as comfortable as possible as the seasons change!