SARL Renovations
Statement of Benefit
The Salem (NH) Animal Rescue League is actively engaged in finding a new, permanent home where we can continue to provide our life-saving services for years to come.
SARL’s current home is on land leased from the Town of Salem, NH, and our lease expires in July 2023.
Our strategic plan is to develop our new home with improved facilities and an increased capacity that will enable us to expand the services and value we provide to the community.
We need a site that is at least 2.5 acres and is commercially zoned; we have deep roots in Salem and want to stay here if possible.
We’re seeking a partner to help us in this endeavor by donating land or making it available to us at a cost that would be feasible for a small, but growing, non-profit organization.
As a 501(c) (3) any individual or organization interested in becoming a benefactor to SARL would receive a significant tax incentive in addition to community goodwill.
For nearly three decades, the Salem Animal Rescue League has been saving the lives of homeless, neglected, and abused cats and dogs by providing adoption services, and offering other needed animal related services to the community.
SARL is committed to helping every animal they can: the sick and injured, those who face breed discrimination, and especially those whose only hope for a happy ending is our shelter.
We are an integral and well-respected community partner, working closely with state and local officials, businesses, other non-profits, and residents to improve the quality of life for the publics we serve.
SARL continues to provide much-needed services such as low-cost vaccination and spay/neuter clinics, pet behavior training, support for local food pantries, and other important resources for pet owners.
The SARL community includes more than 13,000 followers on social media, the individuals and families that adopt animals or receive services from us each year, local businesses and community members that support our efforts and attend our events year after year.

Renovation Project
Improvements Will Enable
SARL to Better Serve Animals and the Community